A 7-Day Challenge for Integrating Your

Calm, Compassion, and Vision 

A 7-Day Challenge for Integrating Your Calm, Compassion, and Vision 

Day 4: Intuition

Okay, Warrior Goddess…

Take a deep breath and let this permeate your being, dear one.

What we DO NOT want to do with our wild, witchy WISDOM is confuse our intuition and perspective for being THE ONLY RIGHT WAY!

There is a place where we can get stuck and start to believe that all we have to do is listen to our intuition and things will flow the way we think they should.

What I’ve seen is that true wisdom is understanding that everything changes, that our intuition is an incredible guide and ally, AND someone who is truly wise knows intuition is mysterious. We can make space for our intuition to bubble up, but we can’t demand or force it to tell us what we want to hear.

I’ll explain more in today’s video about how to shift from control (or being controlled) to honoring the cycles and creatively letting go to flow with, rather than against, life.

Today’s question is this: Where have you refused to let something die or be released and where are you stopping something from being born?


Prefer the audio version? Click here!


Comment on today’s Warrior Goddess Wise Day 4: Intuition social media post (Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok), or share your thoughts in our Warrior Goddess Women group. When you comment or share you’ll be entered into the drawing for a chance to win a seat in my new Seasons of Self: Wise, a 90-Day Online Self-Care Immersion between Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice and a private session with me. 🙂

If you are not on social media, just email your bonus challenge to our team at hello@warriorgoddess.com each day.

And we’d love to hear from you…

Just click reply to the daily email and let us know how the challenge is going!

Need help? Team Pixie is here for you at: hello@warriorgoddess.com

Join me LIVE!

As part of the Warrior Goddess Wise 7-Day Challenge I’m offering FOUR webinars so we can step into our Wisdom together. Come to one or all; details below. You’ll get reminders before each one. I’ll share some teachings and inspiration and leave lots of space for questions and exploring how to integrate more wild, witchy wisdom into your days. Recordings will be available.

Mark your calendars; all webinars will be on

Mark your calendars; all webinars will be on this zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82123073838 

One tap mobile: +16694449171,,82123073838#
Meeting ID: 821 2307 3838

Click the times below to see the time and date in your time zone and use the link to add to your personal calendar!

Wise Webinar #1: Wild, Witchy Wisdom: Balancing Your Inner Maiden, Mother, and Crone
Click here to access the replay.

Wise Webinar #2: Bouncing Back Better: Wisdom for Healing
Click here to access the replay.

Wise Webinar #3: Tea & Talk: The Wisdom of Self-Care
Click here to access the replay.

Wise Webinar #4: Getting Empty to Get Full: The Wisdom of Letting Go
Click here to access the replay.

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