Have you heard about the Maiden, Mother, Crone archetypes? These three energies are connected to the cycles of the moon: waxing, full, and waning, and are a way to reclaim our curiosity, creativity, and compassion.
I call these three superpowers your Wild, Witchy, and Wise energies.
In celebration of May 1st, or Beltane (which is the very witchy cross-quarter day between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice that is all about fertility and blossoming), our newest 7-day Challenge will focus exclusively on the Witchy archetype.
Witchy energy is all about owning your power to be a courageous, generative, confident force of creation and magic. It’s about learning how to unconditionally parent yourself, nurture and grow your creations, and love fully without fear.
When we squash our Witchy we stay small, let others direct our choices, and are afraid to claim and tend our dreams.
When we are connected to our Witchy we are inspired, fiery, and expansive.