Warrior Goddess WILD

A seven-day journey to cultivate play and pleasure

Day 2: Do more of what’s good!

Good work with listing what brings you pleasure. Were you able to notice the vast amount of pleasurable things?

For Day 2 of our Warrior Goddess WILD Challenge, we focus on giving ourselves permission to do more of what we love.

This sounds easy but it can be surprisingly difficult sometimes to say YES to little and big pleasures. So start small. What is one thing you can do today?

Most of us have tremendously well-developed serious, stern inner judge and well-watered inner victim that squash our pleasure. It can be hard to witness ourselves without punishment and frustration or feeling worthless and broken. But healing only happens in the warmth of spacious acceptance and loving action from the heart.

In today’s video, I also introduce you to the maiden, mother, and crone archetypes, why they are so potent for women, and why it is vital to reclaim the maiden energy.


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HeatherAsh will be sharing extra challenge content on YouTube and Instagram as well.

Follow her on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/heatherashamara

And on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/heatherashamara

And we’d love to hear from you…

Just click reply to the daily email and let us know how the challenge is going!

Need help? Team Pixie is here for you at: hello@warriorgoddess.com